What else?
We campaign for wolves.
For wolves. Yes. Currently about 1000 of them live in Germany.
The problem is: There are so many myths about wolves, which create a rather unflattering image. For many humans wolves are just the bloodthirsty predators known from stories and fairy tales – and wrongfully so! They play an important role in our ecosystems. After more than 150 years without these wild animals, humans have to learn how to deal with them in the wild again.
We are promoting this process with our „Wolfsstärke“ project and we’re getting involved directly in the wolf habitats. We help the „Wolfsregion Lausitz“ contact-office to set up and prepare for the „Wolfstag“ event and every few years we travel to Brandenburg/Saxony for a field trip. Since 2009 we have been helping the Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V. (NABU) with the purchase of technical equipment for wolf watching and the production of printed educational materials needed for the kindergarten-campaign titled „Rotkäppchen irrt“ or „Little Red Riding Hood is wrong“.